

Equipment state display (energy consumption of laboratory containers, state of nodes, location of nodes in container).
Management of several laboratory containers
OBN internal clock synchronization according to GPS system time.
Displaying the state of equipment of laboratory containers and nodes, generating reports about state of the system (the composition of the reports can be controlled by the operator).
Setting parameters for seismic data recording.
Downloading and reformatting of recorded seismic data into SGY format.
Testing nodes before deployment and after retrieval.
OBN operation management software
Recording launching and stopping, OBN selftesting, downloading and reformatting of seismic data) and data QC/preprocessing (repositioning, sensor orientation and residual time shift correction, Seismic data QC


OBN automated seismic data preprocessing and quality control



Splitting data from one OBN to several receiver points using internal sensors data analysis (in case of changing node position during registration).
Automated data field preprocessing
OBN first brake positioning.
Seismic data rotation using internal sensors and wavefield analysis.
Nonlinear internal clock errors correction by statistical methods using first break information.
Nodes depth values tidal correction.
Automatic multi-factor QC with individual nodes reports generation.
OBN data quality control
Automatic generation of consolidated rec-line report.
Automatic generation of consolidated project report.
Setting up the software, generating templates, defining procedure parameters with testing.
First brake automated picking.
Carrying out preprocessing and analysis of data in a sequential mode (from bottom node to bottom node), generating output SGY and reports in pdf format for each OBN separately.
Data quality control flow
Carrying out data analysis on the scale of 1 rec-line (based on the results of individual analysis and data re-sorting) with the generation of reports in pdf format for receiving lines.
Final report formation based on information from rec-lines reports.
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